Thursday, September 18, 2008

Note to self

When you find yourself getting unreasonably irritated, sensitive to noise, and unable to deal with more than one thing at a time, ask yourself these things:

Have you taken your B complex?
Have you taken your Flax Seed Oil?
How about the Iron? Are you tired?
Are you telling yourself how much you suck?
If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, then STOP and fix it. Right now.

That is all.

What am I supposed to write?

So, assigned writing and the immediate writer's block that comes with it. . . nice. I had forgotten how hard that is. And yet, after a few minutes of panic I remember that in all those panicky thoughts I need only pick one, make it my subject and go with it. Now I have something to write. It's a starting trick and that's all, but it usually works. Next trick: What's going on with me today? Is there a theme? Today I have no interest in work, just in being inside my own head. I want to think and rest and be alone. Also, I'd like to spend the afternoon with my new music playlist, which is so compelling that once I start it up I'm unable to move from my computer to do anything else. I tried to copy and paste the list here, but no dice. I can tell you the seriously uninspired title of my playlist is Random Shit. Ugly, no? Must fix that. Oh shit! Time to get ready for Daisies.